Changes for page Roadmap and Issues

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2013/05/03

From version 12.1
edited by Vincent Massol
on 2013/05/03
Change comment: Removing xoffice
To version 13.1
edited by Vincent Massol
on 2013/05/03
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
1 -The [[XWiki development process>>dev:Main.WebHome]] uses [[JIRA>>]] for listing all tasks to be implemented and all bugs to be fixed.
2 -
3 -You'll find there the dates and version planned for issues to be fixed and hence the XWiki roadmaps. There's also a [[release calendar>>]] listing all known dates for future releases. Please understand that these dates are often tentative since XWiki's development is open source and lots of committers/contributors are working in their free time on XWiki.
4 -
5 -If you're interested to help out check the [[contributing page>>dev:Community.Contributing]].
6 -
7 -Here are the roadmaps for the different projects:
8 -* The following top level projects are released together when we release XWiki Enterprise and as such share the same roadmap which you can check on the [[XWiki Enterprise Roadmap>>xwiki:Roadmaps.WebHome]]: XWiki Commons, XWiki Rendering, XWiki Platform, XWiki Enterprise, XWiki Enterprise Manager.
9 -
1 +{{velocity}}
2 +$response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL('xwiki:Roadmaps.WebHome'))
3 +{{/velocity}}

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